Friday 1 July 2011

Make a Right Choice

Fr. Ciya Thomas. CSsR.

A small story is told about a monk in a book called “Stories that can Transform Your life”. It is about a young boy who wants to be a monk in an Ashram. This Ashram has a special requirement. All the monks in the Ashram need to maintain silence. They are allowed to speak only two words once in every two years.
When he finished his two years in the Ashram the superior gave him the permission to speak two words. “Food terrible” he said. Two years later again he was given permission to speak two words. “Bed lumpy” he answered. Again after two years later this young boy came before the superior and proclaimed “I quite”. The superior looked at this young boy and said, you know, it does not surprise me a bit. All you have done since you came here is complain, complain, complain. What if you were asked to share two words that describe your life? Would your focus be on the lumps, bumps and unfairness or on those things that are good, right and lovely?
“A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart”.
This is true also with children who spent most of their time with TV and Internet.
Because what they see in these what they carry in their hearts. So it is affecting the way they relate to each other. In fact it is shaping a new style of life among the children.
Media tampers with our need. Children are no longer able to distinguish between need and desire. Our desires are presented as needs. Our traditions tell us to ‘love human and use things’ but today the media tell us to ‘love things and use people’. In my experience with children for the past few years has proved it.
Media is undoubtedly unparallel source of information and an education tool for children. At the same time there are also plenty of dangers involved. Just a few mouse clicks can lead a child into a sea of sexually explicit or violent and hate- filled material. Violence is something that we learn in our life, just like we learn mathematics and chemistry in schools. This is very much clear in the present forms of crimes and criminal activities. Several recent studies have shown that more than 60% of all TV programs content is related with violence and sex. Today’s theory of business is ‘show more blood on screens more selling’- just like the theory of ‘sex sells well’. As a result today we have increased number of crimes among teenagers and 15-20% of increase of suicides among teenagers. Addiction to Media has also led to more health problems among teenagers, like Obesity, Diabetics and other health hazards.
The impact of media is so intense that it has almost influenced parents, teachers, story tellers, religious teachers and care givers for children. So there are two options before us. The first, we positively recognize its usefulness and teach them to use it for making the child a better child of God and a better human being. Secondly, condemn and stop watching all kinds of violence and immoral programs at home as a means of entertainment.


  1. Thank you for this fabulous post, Fr. Thomas!

    Before we could teach the children the two options that you have suggested at the end of your posting, adults around the children have to practice these very same two options/conditions. If the adults/parents preach these solutions to the children, but do not practice sensible usage of visual media themselves, the preaching is not going to sink into the hearts of the children.

    We the adults of this world have created an environment for our children to be corrupted in many ways. It is as though the devil and his dark angels have really made a grand plan to 'catch' the humans very young, so that the purity of their spirit, intellect, mind and body are destroyed which will in turn first corrupt and then destroy the Kingdom of God within them. And the senseless adults play into this plan of the devil.

    Once adults understand the enemy and his plan, half the battle won...and then and then alone can we successfully teach our children as to how to join us in the fight against the enemy. But how many adults understand or even want to understand the enemy? The truth is that we as adults find it pleasurable and entertaining to watch the same programmes that we tell our children not to watch - what a double standard! Unless the adults get rid of their own inner corruption with the help of the Holy Spirit of our Living God, our children's inner destruction will continue unabated.

    May be, the Church has to start a new initiative on 'Better Parenting in the 21st Century'!

  2. Tku for this marvallous message....
